Hello from the depths of wherever I'm at these days. Many people will ask what the hardest part about working out is, and well it's not the working out itself. I'd have to say for me personally it's sticking to the program I've chosen, and ignoring all the voices on the internet that say it's useless.
I believe some things in life just click; let me tell you guys something. I spent too much time on phase one of the Alpha Body Blueprint, I spent almost seven weeks on that phase, and I burned out.
I thought since I burned out it was time to switch plans, and that was my mistake. Don't ever switch workout plans especially if there are two phases, and only use the recommended number of weeks.
I had listened to a guy that said my results would be better if I worked out in split. Wrong. I hate splits, hell I couldn't even stick with any other program.
I don't know what it is, but me and the blueprint just kind of click. I guess it helps keep some kind of order in my life, I'm not sure. I do change things up a little but not drastically. Like today for instance, on Sunday, I did the five 100 meter sprints on my strength day, and did tabata (will have you crying on the floor) mountain climbers today, my power day. I did warm up with light hang snatches, but I kind of like the clean and press. So yeah I keep pretty much to the program, but I don't change anything major in it.
On that week seven I mentioned instead of dumbbell chest presses I did dips. I love dips don't get me wrong, but the program wasn't designed with those in mind, and that's ok. I mean the whole warm up is nothing but angular bodyweight training. I can't do my own thing when it comes to working out, and I'm tired of the damn voices and ideas that run through my head telling me when I'm at work to try this or this.
Look I've learned from my mistakes. After of 8 weeks of six days of training take a two to three day break then get back into it and keep improving that's all I can do. Consistency is key to long term strength and gains not doing one program one month then doing another the next. I know many disagree with me but this is my experience and not everybody is the same. So for me the hardest part of working out is being faithful to that one program, I mean time is gonna pass anyway so why not just get damn good and better at it? Sometimes simplicity is the best thing in life.