As time as gone on, I've realized something, sometimes the most simplistic things in life are the best. In America, we live in a fast paced, technologically advanced yet unhealthy growing poor society. This is especially prevalent in the Deep South; I believe you can be smart and simple, but not stupid like so many people I encounter.
We all do stupid things from time to time; I know I do, plenty and too idiotic to name. Whether it's from working out (Alpha Body Blueprint I love ya,) or to writing. This is specifically on writing. Earlier I was watching Terminator 2 Judgment Day , and I came to realize something. The story is pretty straight forward, and that's what I've decided to do with my Cyberbird series.
Instead of calling it The Cyberbird or Ra'a the Armored Angel, I've decided to go with the kick ass name of Ra'a the Cyberbird. Ra'a is a Hebrew word which means to break or spoil, and in this case it's a take charge no hold hero, named Aaron Anders, and Xelbrius, an angel trapped as a cyborg bird that join forces to take on evil mages, demon aliens, and just all kinds of crazy crap.
Yeah, I've decided to tap into my inner child, and rewrite this into a straight forward, tinged with a tiny bit of mystery, hero series. One of my favorite movies ever is Captain America The Winter Soldier, and in it they showed, you can be awesome and still stand for heroic ideals.
I guess standing up for your fellow man, helping the poor, loving others even if they believe different than you is part of what being an Alpha male and a hero is about. A hero goes against the odds, and doesn't take the easy way out. If something is hard, he finds ways to improve, and keep getting stronger and better, and that is also the kind of person I aim to be.
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