Friday, January 16, 2015

Alpha Body Blueprint Phase One Week One Complete

Well, I did it. I've completed week one of the alpha body blueprint. Within the next months I will cut back any sugar intake to just one day a week, so that means goodbye eggnog ice cream and pound cake, and regular processed bread. Yes, I am changing my diet one day at a time, because I realize it's the other half of the battle to gaining the alpha physique I yearn for.
I'm incorporating Chad Howse's The Man Diet into my own life the best I can. For instance, I eat two to four pieces of bacon, and usually four to six eggs with a handful almonds for my breakfast each morning. The eggs are cooked in the grease that comes from the bacon, so it's all good. You need fats to fight fat. Crazy I know.
The middle of my neck hurts right now from the back squats; I'm thinking I should get something to cushion it when I do those. I prefer front squats, and I'm thinking of maybe doing hack squats. So yeah also I'll be taking a break from facebook and most social media except this blog to focus on The Cyberbird 2.
I promise you folks this one will be twice as long, and even better than the first. With the first book, which is just a novella, I was planning to write the series as novellas, but the story has evolved so much in my mind that I think a full out novel of it would be better.

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