Friday, January 9, 2015

Nothing Comes Easy, I will Become a Legend

This morning while cooking my five eggs for breakfast, I really thought about this quote from Chad Howse, "Hope in a quick fix is where many of us are led astray." That statement from his site really hit me. I realized, for the past few years of my life, I've been looking for quick fixes, whether it's from writing, or working out.
I have a confession to make, for the past two years, I've found it hard to stick to just one workout plan, and my strength has suffered for it. Yesterday, I joined Rivera Fitness Center, and today I did the first day of Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts program, which is a deceptive title because it's actually twelve weeks.
I may be decent at bodyweight to a certain extent, but flitting from workout plan to workout plan has really caused me to suffer. That's why today I made the commitment to stick to Todd Kuliski's Extreme 3 month Bodyweight plan as my morning routine upon waking up, and Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts. This road will not be easy, but I want to be more than just a man, I want to be an alpha male.
A leader of leaders as Chad puts it in his blog; I will become great, and it starts with small steps and forming new habits. From going to bed earlier, getting up and focusing on my morning routine warmup to really becoming a part of Wealthy Affiliate and finding my niche. We seem to want a quick fix, and jump on the next new fad, whether it's workouts or zumba dancing in a Gollum costume. (I was grasping for straws on that last statement.)
I realize I didn't want to put real effort into my relationships, and it suffered, but that's a whole other story. It's like the new Allen-Lande song from the Great Divide, "It's my destiny to keep reaching for the stars."
I don't make resolutions anymore. This year I have clear set goals, and that means sacrifices will be made. Good day to all. Start your path to become a legend.

Update: After my first day of getting back on barbells, and analyzing my goals of wanting to complete the 3 Month Bodyweight Program three mornings a week, I will be doing Justin Devonshire's 21 Day Emergency Muscle Blueprint instead, that way I can take a fourth week for active recovery and let my muscles rest and grow. Good day to all once again. I will start Six Pack Shortcuts eventually but not any time soon.

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